125040, г. Санкт-Петербург, Ленинградский проспект, д. 27 Тел. / факс: 105-51-52 [email protected] ![]() |
The InterTradeShop company (before April 2001 known as Inter Commerce for Shops) has been active in the Russian market of shop equipment since 1991. We launched our business by offering turn-key equipment for shops of all types, restaurants and bars and branched into supply of label tape and labelling devices. In an effort to provide top quality service to the customers, the company later narrowed down its field to two lines: shop checkout area equipment and supply of label tape and labellers.
Having gained initial experience as a supplier of IC checkout counters (Poland), a wide range of checkout area equipment for self-service shops of all types, as well as label tape and labelling devices of leading European brands, in 1997, the InterTradeShop company set up the most advanced production of label tape in Russia, and in March 2003 launched production of European standard checkout counters in the widest ever range under a proprietary InterTradeShop trade mark.
We try our best to implement a pricing policy for our products and services that our customers will see as quite reasonable.